Creator: Kataryzna Łukasiewicz Exhibition:Selfie Series #4 Published: December 2021 Format: Analog Photography Content Advisories: Nudity
Image description: A white skinned limb (possibly an arm of leg) bends up from the lower left cover of the image casting shadows. Multiple exposures of the shadow and limb are overlaid in a triangular shape. The upper right corner is a revised triangle in white.Image description: A pair of white hands and arms, facing each other, extended from the body in front of a white space. Multiple exposure of light cover the fingers of the hand closest to the viewer and cause the arms to appear as if they are dipping into tangible light.Image description: a pair of white legs cast shadow from a beam of directional light onto a white wall. A hands creeps down from the top of the image, from a multiple exposure, making the hand seem as if it’s touching both legs.Image description: Indistinct body parts are transposed in multiple exposures causing them to blur. The shapes for a kind of peak as the left slope shifts into a black and white exposure.Image description: A photograph of a white person’s bellybutton and public area which fades into deep shadow off to the right. Above the belly is the blurry side of a face, their eyes closed.Image description: The artist’s face in two positions, facing left and right, blown out by a bright lightImage description: the naked torso of white body on which multiple exposures of light, indistinct flesh, and the ends of hair are overlaid. The left breast is in profile and stands out against a dark background as their back fades into shadow.Image description: A pair of white legs against a wall. A spotlight comes down from the ceiling, casting sharp shadows of the feet onto the wall behind them. The rest of the wall is in deep shadow.Image description: a pair of white hands and wrists casting shadows onto a white wall. The hands are slightly transparent showing the shadow arm against the wall, and as they overlap and fade into each, the three hands’ fingers appear interfaced together.