//You are seated in a studio audience. A show is filming.//
|script>[FADE IN:
A KITCHEN set is set up on a raised, round platform, and is brightly illuminated. An AUDIENCE can be seen, clapping, in 3 sets of rafters arranged around the stage.
2 smaller sets can be seen through the shadows, but these are not illuminated.
2 huge cameras are manned by grumpy looking people in pink coveralls and are pointed at the kitchen set.
SFX: Theme song music.
<div align="justify">STUDIO AUDIENCE
Applause fades.
(VO) Hello and welcome back to everyone's favourite game show; (set: $showName to (either: ...$showNames))(print: $showName), where average, every day people are challenged to make a meal in under 3 minutes! I am your host Mat Nubias and today we're prepping our kitchen to host one lucky contestant! Will it be you?
Applause and cheering.</div>
Members in the audience are cheering and waving as the camera sweeps over them. A few people hold up whisks and cardboard signs that read "pick me".
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(laughs) Yes - everyone here is excited for their chance at 3 minutes of fame! Here's how we play the game: </div>]
(link: "Continue watching")[(replace: ?script)[
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)Each episode, we offer three different recipes for our feature contestant. After having selected their random recipe, the contestant reads over their recipe and indicates that they are ready to go by placing their recipe into our timer oven and pressing the BEGIN button. From that moment, the oven heats up while customers scramble to use their memory and culinary sense to craft the recipe in under 3 minutes.
The contestant has until the card is completely burned up to complete their prep and to press the FINISH button!</div>
Kitchen counter, featuring the toaster oven timer, a large yellow button marked BEGIN and a large green button marked FINISH.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)When they press the button, or their time runs out, the recipe is then flash cooked. The contestant is then scored on the recipe accuracy...and edibility! No matter how it shapes up, our contestant will get to taste the result of their scramble, so it's best not to deviate from the recipe cards!
(link: "Continue watching")[(replace: ?script)[
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)If the recipe is followed is more than 50% accuracy, the contestant is invited back to try their luck again in our studio audience. If the final product followed the directions exactly, the contestant is awarded the GOLDEN FRUIT KEY!</div>
The spotlights turn on at one of the smaller two stages, illuminating 3 doors. The outer two doors are non-descript and white. The middle door is gold with a cut-out of an apple at it's centre.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
...this lucky contestant will have a chance to win an all expenses-paid trip anywhere in the world for a culinary adventure they'll never forget.</div>
If the final product is edible, the contestant is welcomed back to our studio for another chance to cook and win! with a free spot in our audience next week! </div>]
House lights go up. A PA/stage hand walks the audience, a spotlight following their path.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
...this lucky contestant will have a chance to win an all expenses-paid trip anywhere in the world for a culinary adventure they'll never forget.</div>
The PA walks over to [[YOU.->Your First Choice]]
[[Stand Up.->WRONG]]{
$name to "YOU",
$ingredients to (a: "bag of flour", "tube of anchovy paste", "container of baking powder", "container of baking soda", "bunch of bananas", "bunch of fresh basil", "bottle of bbq sauce", "bowl of rinsed black beans", "brick of butter", "ramekin of melted butter", "shredded cabbage", "raw chicken", "bottle of sherry", "roasted cubes of pumpkin", "spice jar of curry", "carton of eggs", "cooked pasta", "fresh ginger", "jug of syrup", "carton of milk", "bottle of oil", "box of Japanese bread crumbs", "spice tin of paprika", "wedge of Parmesan", "pepper mill", "sack of potatoes", "small bottle of red dye", "bag of rice", "a ramekin of tomato salsa", "box of salt", "bowl of mixed, shredded cheese", "ramekin of chopped green onion", "bag of sugar", "spice jar of thyme", "bag of corn chips", "bottle of vanilla", "carton of whipping cream", "container of yogurt"),
$inv to (a: "a recipe",),
$smbowl to (a:),
$medbowl to (a:),
$lrgbowl to (a:),
$pot to (a:),
$tin to (a:),
$tray to (a:),
$dish to (a:),
$recipeSelect to 1,
$oven to 0,
$counter to 3000,
$showNames to (a: "The Attentive Chef", "The Eidetic Culinarian", "The Hyperthymestic Hash Slinger", "The Mnemonist Cook")
}[The PA holds out their hand.
> (link: "stand up, high five their hand and follow them down to the stage.")[(replace:?decision)[YOU follows the PA to the edge of the set. PA pins a microphone to YOU turns and leaves. [[YOU walks onto set.->Lights, Camera...]]]]
■ [[ pretend that they are not looking at you and full-teeth grin through the spotlight at the person sitting beside you.->WRONG]]
]<decision|(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?", "YOU"))\
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)We have our contestant. Welcome to the show - can you tell us your name?
(print: $name)
My name is (print: $name).
(V.O)Welcome (print: $name), we're glad to have you. Now while you may be familiar with this segment, let's explain to the folks at home what's about to happen.
[[[>> Fast forward to Recipe Reveal.->Recipe Select]]]<ff|
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?ff)[](replace: ?script)[
INT. KITCHEN SET, focus on counter, oven.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)Each episode, we pick a different recipe for our feature contestant. The challenge begings once the contestant has read over the recipe and indicates to our team that they are ready to go. They start up the toaster oven timer, and place their recipe card inside. The contestant has until the card is completely burned up to complete their prep.
If the final product is edible, the contestant is provided with a free spot in our audience next week! If the final product followed the directions entirely, the contestant is awarded the GRAND PRIZE!
AUDIENCE/(print: $name)
Cheering, applause.</div>
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?script)[
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
But...and here is the fun part! If the recipe is an inedible, disaster...we both get to watch the contestant spin the wheel of inedibility to decide their fate - and taste their creation!
(print: $name)
Cheering, laughing and hooting.
Large, sequin covered paddlewheel with illegible words written on different sections of the side. A person in white spins the wheel and gestures with a flourish while it spins.
(print: $name) looks confused and a little concerned, but continues to smile fakely to the camera.
<div align="justify">
Are you [[READY?->Recipe Select]]
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)We have a go ahead from (print: $name). Let's get ready to
SFX: Fire wipe, explosion sounds.
<div align="justify">
Audience cheers and hoots. 3 envelopes are lowered, suspended on thin, clear cords, until they reach the set's countertop.
<div align="justify">
And now the moment of truth... (text-style: "underline")[CHOOSE]!
SFX: Ticking clock sound.
(print: $name) chooses the:
[[> Left envelope->Cake]]
[[> Middle envelope->Cake]]
[[> Right envelope->Cake]](set: $recipeSelect to 1)You open the left envelope. The audience goes quiet as you read.
[Basic vanilla cake:
* 2 c. all-purpose ''flour''
* 1 1/4 c. ''sugar''
* 1 tsp ''baking powder''
* 1/4 tsp ''salt''
* 1 c. ''milk''
* 1/2 c. ''oil''
* 2 ''eggs''
* 1 tsp ''vanilla extract''
0. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
0. Add the remaining ingredients and combine using a whisk or an electric mixer until the batter is smooth.
0. Pour the batter into the baking dish.
0. Bake the cake for about 55 minutes.
> You're ready. [[Begin!]]
■ [[Stall.->WRONG]](set: $recipeSelect to 2)You open the middle envelope. The audience goes quiet as you read.
[Roasted Pumpkin Nachoes:
* 4 c. cubed fresh ''pumpkin''
* 2 tbsp ''olive oil''
* 1/4 tsp ''salt''
* 1/8 tsp ''pepper''
* 375 g ''tortilla chips''
* 3 c. ''black beans'', rinsed and drained
* 2 c. ''salsa''
* 3 c. shredded ''cheese''
* 2 sliced ''green onions''
0. Place pumpkin in a greased 15x10x1-in. baking tray. Drizzle with oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Roast until tender, about 30 minutes. Remove and set-aside. Regrease baking tray.
0. Layer half the chips. Then add beans, pumpkin, salsa and cheese.
0. Repeat.
0. Bake until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.
0. Garnish with green onions.
> You're ready. [[Begin!]]
■ [[Stall.->WRONG]](set: $recipeSelect to 3)You open the middle envelope. The audience goes quiet as you read.
[Baked Mac & Cheese:
* 450 g ''elbow macaroni'', cooked
* 1 tbsp ''oil''
* 6 tbsp ''butter''
* 4 tbsp ''melted butter''
* 1/3 c. all-purpose ''flour''
* 3 c. whole ''milk''
* 1 c. heavy ''whipping cream''
* 6 c. ''cheese blend'' (4 c. sharp cheddar cheese and 2 c. Gruyere cheese), shredded
* salt and pepper to taste
* 1 1/2 c. ''panko crumbs''
* 1/2 c. ''Parmesan cheese'', shredded
* 1/4 tsp ''paprika''
0. Combine shredded cheeses in a large bowl and set aside.
0. Drizzle pasta with olive oil and stir to coat pasta.
0. Melt 6 tbsp butter in a pot. Whisk in flour about 1 minute until bubbly and golden. Gradually whisk in the milk and heavy cream until nice and smooth. Continue whisking until you see bubbles on the surface and then continue cooking and whisking for another 2 minutes. Whisk in salt and pepper.
0. Add two cups of shredded cheese and whisk until smooth. Add another two cups of shredded cheese and continue whisking until creamy and smooth. Sauce should be nice and thick.
0. Stir in pasta until combined. Pour half of the mac and cheese into the baking dish. Top with remaining 2 cups of shredded cheese and then the remaining pasta.
0. In a small bowl, combine panko crumbs, Parmesan cheese, 4 tbsp melted butter and paprika. Sprinkle over the top and bake until bubbly and golden brown, about 30 minutes.
> You're ready. [[Begin!]]
■ [[Stall.->WRONG]][
(if: (history:)'s last is "Begin!")[
<!--toaster was on, recipe just placed-->
(if: $toast is 1 and $recipe is 1)[You place your recipe in the warming oven, and the paper immediately begins to curl. [[Go Go Go.->Countdown]]]\
<!--toaster is on, recipe ny placed-->
(else-if: $toast is 1 and $recipe is 0)[You turn on the oven, and the dial begins to tick away. The oven has startd it's preheat sequence. A small red light goes on above the dial. You need to place your recipe!]]
<!--toaster ascends-->
(else:)[You indicate to the set staff that you're ready to go and a section of the countertop drops away. Slowly, a Black & Decker Deluxe Convection Toaster Oven begins to rise. When it finishes its ascent, the front door pops open on it's own.]
(link: "> Place your recipe.")[(set: $recipe to 1)\
(if: $toast is 1)[(go-to: "Begin!")]\
(else:)[Done. (replace: ?desc)[You place your recipe in the cold toaster oven and close the door.]]\
(link-goto: "Check your recipe one last time" , (history:)'s last)
(link: "> Turn on the oven.")[(set: $toast to 1)\
(if: $recipe is 0)[(replace: ?desc)[You turn on the oven, and the dial begins to tick away. The oven has startd it's preheat sequence. A small red light goes on above the dial. You need to place your recipe! Go Go Go!]]\
(else:)[(go-to: "Countdown")]\
]{(enchant: ?preheat, (text-color: red))
(set: $counter to 210)}\
The light on the oven is [RED.]<preheat|
The |recipe>[recipe] is |status>[looking ok]!
|counter)[The dial begins to obviously tick down. You have about |amount>[$counter] seconds left!]
{(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 150)[(replace: ?preheat)[OFF.](enchant: ?preheat, (text-color: white))(replace: ?status)[starting to curl]]
(else-if: $counter is 90)[(set: $recipe to 2)(replace: ?status)[(text-color: #918184)[starting to brown]]]
(else-if: $counter is 60)[(set: $recipe to 3)(replace: ?status)[(text-style: "shadow")[starting to singe]](show: ?counter)]
(else-if: $counter is 30)[(set: $recipe to 4)(replace: ?status)[(text-color: grey)[smoking]](replace: ?amount)[$counter]]
(else-if: $counter is 15)[(set: $recipe to 5)(replace: ?status)[(text-color: red)[on fire]](live: 1s)[(replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]
(else-if: $counter is 0)[(set: $recipe to 6)(go-to: "Time Up")]
[|warning)[When you press the BEGIN button, a loud klaxon noise informs you that something is wrong. You have probably have too many ingredients selected - what was in your recipe again...?
[(display: "Ingredients")]<ingredients|
[(display: "Inventory")]<Selected|
[You peek at the recipe, cooking in the toaster oven. (if: $recipe is 1)[The recipe is mostly intact, but the corners are starting to curl.](else-if: $recipe is 2)[The paper is starting to brown.](else-if: $recipe is 3)[The edges of the paper start to receed slowly as they blacken and smoke.](else-if: $recipe is 4)[The paper is barely ledgible now beneath a thick, grey cloud of smoke.](else-if: $recipe is 5)[The paper is now on fire. You can barely make out the remaining writing through the flames.]<hr />[(display: "Recipe")(live: 5s)[(replace: ?recipePeek)[](stop:)]]<hr />](recipePeek|
(link: "> Hit the BEGIN button")[(if: $inv's length > 16)[(show: ?warning)(link: ">Hit the BEGIN button again")[]](else:)[(replace: ?prep)[(display: "CookIt")]]]
(link-repeat: "Peek at recipe through oven door")[(show: ?recipePeek)]
[[Hit the FINISH button->WRONG]]
(click: "bag of flour")[(enchant: "bag of flour", (text-style: "strike"))(set: $inv to it + (a: "all-purpose flour"), $ingredients to it - (a: "bag of flour"))(replace: ?Selected)[(display: "Inventory")](replace: ?ingredients)[(display: "Ingredients")]]
(click: "tube of anchovy paste")[(enchant: "tube of anchovy paste", (text-style: "strike"))(set: $inv to it + (a: "fish paste"), $ingredients to it - (a: "tube of anchovy paste"))(replace: ?Selected)[(display: "Inventory")](replace: ?ingredients)[(display: "Ingredients")]]
(click: "container of baking powder")[(enchant: "container of baking powder", (text-style: "strike"))(set: $inv to it + (a: "baking powder"), $ingredients to it - (a: "container of baking powder"))(replace: ?Selected)[(display: "Inventory")](replace: ?ingredients)[(display: "Ingredients")]]
(click: "container of baking soda")[(enchant: "container of baking soda", (text-style: "strike"))(set: $inv to it + (a: "baking soda"), $ingredients to it - (a: "container of baking soda"))(replace: ?Selected)[(display: "Inventory")](replace: ?ingredients)[(display: "Ingredients")]]
]<prep|(if: (history:)'s last is "Into the Oven")[(print: $name) opens their mouth to taste their creation as the scoreboard slows its spin. A giant 48% illuminates above their head as they force themselves to swallow.]
(else:)[A scoreboard lowers from the celing, and a loud alarm buzzes as the fire in the toaster oven is extinguished, revealing a small pile of ash where your recipe once was.]
The person in white begins to move over the large, sequined wheel.
<div align="justify">AUDIENCE
(V.O)Ooooh, looks like (print: $name) was unsuccessful at creating an edible recipe and is headed to the -
The person in white stops the wheel in front of (print: $name). They motion for (print: $name) to give it a spin.
SFX: A whooshing sound accompanies the initial spin.
<div align="justify">
Here it comes!
Audience cheers and hoots. (link: "The wheel spins and lands on...")[(go-to: "Wheel of inedibility")](if: $inv's length > 0)[You have selected the following ingredients: (print: $inv.join(", ")).]
(else:)[You have used all your ingredients. Put it in the oven and hit the FINISH button.]{(set:
$actionStep1 to "Do something",
$actionStep2a to "do something",
$actionStep2b to "something",
$actionStep2c to "something",
$actionStep3a to "do something",
$actionStep3b to "something",
$actionStep4a to "Do something",
$actionStep4b to "something",
$ingredientsStep1 to (a:),
$ingredientsStep2 to (a:),
$ingredientsStep3 to (a:))
[You hit the BEGIN button and the unselected ingredients slide down under the counter on another platform. After a moment, the platform returns now featuring a few metal bowls, a pot full of tools (whisks, spatulas, spoons, etc), as well as a set of measuring cups and spoons.[
You mash the FINISH button, but nothing happens. Are you sure you're finished?](ny|]<desc|
<hr />
[(for: each _ingredient, ...$inv)[\
(print: '(link: _ingredient)[(set: $ingredientsStep1 to it + (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(set: $inv to it - (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(replace: ?stepOneING)[(print: $ingredientsStep1.join(", "))]],')]]<larderStep1|
<hr />
You start completing the recipe.
[You start by choosing to DO SOMETHING with your AVAILABLE INGREDIENTS. Once you use an ingredient (unless you only use part of it in the instruction), it is no longer available (oh glob //there is no undo in cooking!)//.](clue|\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[\
[1. (dropdown: bind $actionStep1, "Do something", "Combine", "Add", "Blend", "Fold", "Coat", "Whisk") the [\
(if: $ingredientsStep1's length > 0)[\
(print: $ingredientsStep1.join(", "))]\
(else:)[something]]<stepOneING| together in a large bowl.
(link: "Continue to Step 2")[\
(show: ?step2)\
(replace: ?larderStep1)[(for: each _ingredient, ...$inv)[(print: '(link: _ingredient)[(set: $ingredientsStep2 to it + (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(set: $inv to it - (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(replace: ?stepTwoING)[(print: $ingredientsStep2.join(", "))]],')]]\
(replace: ?step1)[1. (print: $actionStep1) the (print: $ingredientsStep1.join(",")) in a large bowl.]]\
[2. Add [\
(if: $ingredientsStep2's length > 0)[\
(print: $ingredientsStep2.join(", "))
]<stepTwoING| and (dropdown: bind $actionStep2a, "do something", "combine", "beat", "fold", "coat", "whisk") using a (dropdown: bind $actionStep2b, "something", "knife", "measuring spoon", "mallet", "sifter", "turkey baster", "whisk") until the batter is (dropdown: bind $actionStep2c, "something", "just combined", "whisked", "smooth", "frothy", "doubled in volume", "cooked", "browned").
(link: "Continue to Step 3")[\
(set: $inv to it + (a: "batter"))\
(show: ?step3)\
(replace: ?larderStep1)[\
(for: each _ingredient, ...$inv)[(print: '(link: _ingredient)[(set: $ingredientsStep3 to it + (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(set: $inv to it - (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(replace: ?stepThreeING)[(print: $ingredientsStep3.join(", "))]],')]\
(replace: ?step2)[\
2. Add (print: $ingredientsStep2.join(",")) and (print: $actionStep2a) using a (print: $actionStep2b) until the batter is (print: $actionStep2c).
3. (dropdown: bind $actionStep3a, "Do something", "Portion", "Pour", "Freeze", "Rest", "Taste", "Fold") the [(if: $ingredientsStep3's length > 0)[\
(print: $ingredientsStep3.join(", "))
]<stepThreeING| (dropdown: bind $actionStep3b, "in something", "into a smaller bowl", "into the baking dish", "into the oven", "down your throat").
(link: "Continue to Step 4")[\
(show: ?step4)\
(replace: ?larderStep1)[\
(for: each _ingredient, ...$inv)[\
(print: '(link: _ingredient)[(set: $ingredientsStep4 to it + (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(set: $inv to it - (a: "' + _ingredient + '"))(replace: ?stepFourING)[(print: $ingredientsStep4.join(", "))]
(replace: ?step3)[3. (print: $actionStep3a) the (print: $ingredientsStep3.join(",")) (print: $actionStep3b).]
4. (dropdown: bind $actionStep4a, "Do something", "Pour the batter", "Grease the pan", "Bake the cake", "Flip the cake", "Preheat the oven", "Refridgerate the batter") for (dropdown: bind $actionStep4b, "5 minutes", "15 minutes", "55 hours", "45 minutes", "25 seconds", "55 minutes", "2 hours").
(link: "Complete to Step 4")[\
(set: $oven to 1)\
(replace: ?step4)[4. (print: $actionStep4a) for (print: $actionStep4b).]
[<!--End Cake Recipe--!>]\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[]
(link: "Hit the BEGIN button.")[(replace: ?desc)[You press the BEGIN button again and an alarm sounds. The button is no longer illuminated.](link: "Hit the BEGIN button again.")[(replace: ?desc)[You press the BEGIN button again and an alarm sounds for twice as long. Your challenge has already started.][[Hit the BEGIN button again again.->WRONG]]]]
(link: "Panic.")[(replace: ?desc)[You panic and look out at the audience, not sure what to do next. You look over at the camera crew and spy a teleprompter that reads...](show: ?clue)]
(link-repeat: "Hit the FINISHED button.")[(if: $oven is 1)[(display: "score")(goto:"Into the Oven")](else:)[(show: ?ny)].]|150>[\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[\
[* 2 c. all-purpose ''flour'']\
[* 1 1/4 c. ''sugar'']]\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[\
[* 4 c. cubed fresh ''pumpkin'']\
[* 2 tbsp ''olive oil'']]\
[* 450 g ''elbow macaroni'', cooked]\
[* 1 tbsp ''oil'']]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[\
[* 1 tsp ''baking powder'']\
[* 1/4 tsp ''salt'']]\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[\
[* 1/4 tsp ''salt'']\
[* 1/8 tsp ''pepper'']]\
[* 6 tbsp ''butter'']\
[* 4 tbsp ''melted butter'']]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[\
[* 1 c. ''milk'']\
[* 1/2 c. ''oil'']]\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[\
[* 375 g ''tortilla chips'']\
[* 3 c. ''black beans'', rinsed and drained]]\
[* 1/3 c. all-purpose ''flour'']\
[* 3 c. whole ''milk'']]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[* 2 ''eggs'']\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[\
[* 2 c. ''salsa'']\
[* 3 c. shredded ''cheese'']]\
[* 1 c. heavy ''whipping cream'']\
[* 6 c. ''cheese blend'' (4 c. sharp cheddar cheese and 2 c. Gruyere cheese), shredded]]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[* 1 tsp ''vanilla extract'']\
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[\
[* 2 sliced ''green onions'']\
1. Place pumpkin in a greased 15x10x1-in. baking tray. Drizzle with oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Roast until tender, about 30 minutes. Remove and set-aside. Regrease baking tray.]\
[* salt and pepper to taste]\
[* 1 1/2 c. ''panko crumbs'']]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)
1. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[
2. Layer half the chips. Then add beans, pumpkin, salsa and cheese.
[* 1/2 c. ''Parmesan cheese'', shredded]\
[* 1/4 tsp ''paprika'']]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[2. Add the remaining ingredients and combine using a whisk or an electric mixer until the batter is smooth.
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[3. Repeat.
1. Combine shredded cheeses in a large bowl and set aside.
2. Drizzle pasta with olive oil and stir to coat pasta.]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[3. Pour the batter into the baking dish.
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[4. Bake until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.
3. Melt 6 tbsp butter in a pot. Whisk in flour about 1 minute until bubbly and golden. Gradually whisk in the milk and heavy cream until nice and smooth. Continue whisking until you see bubbles on the surface and then continue cooking and whisking for another 2 minutes. Whisk in salt and pepper.
4. Add two cups of shredded cheese and whisk until smooth. Add another two cups of shredded cheese and continue whisking until creamy and smooth. Sauce should be nice and thick.]\
(if: $recipeSelect is 1)[4. Bake the cake for about 55 minutes.
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[5. Garnish with green onions.
5. Stir in pasta until combined. Pour half of the mac and cheese into the baking dish. Top with remaining 2 cups of shredded cheese and then the remaining pasta.
6. In a small bowl, combine panko crumbs, Parmesan cheese, 4 tbsp melted butter and paprika. Sprinkle over the top and bake until bubbly and golden brown, about 30 minutes.]\
(if: $counter < 16)[(replace: ?150)[](replace: ?90)[](replace: ?60)[](replace: ?30)[]]
(else-if: $counter < 31)[(replace: ?150)[](replace: ?90)[](replace: ?60)[]]
(else-if: $counter < 61)[(replace: ?150)[](replace: ?90)[]]
(else-if: $counter < 91)[(replace: ?150)[]]
}(if: $ingredients's length > 0)[The ''counter'' contains the following items: (print: $ingredients.join(", ")).]
//You must select the items you need for your recipe and then hit the BEGIN button.//(print: $score)
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)And there we have it! (print: $name) has completed their recipe and has hit the finish button!
Cheering, applause.
(V.O)Through the magic of //hellevision//, we have fast-forwarded the cook time to produce a replica of their completed (if: $recipeSelect is 1)[cake](else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[nachoes](else:)[macaroni & cheese] in no time at all!</div>
Set person in white comes out with a fully cooked, (if: $score < 12)[gross-looking](else-if: $score < 18)[clumsy](else-if: $score is > 22)[amazing](else:)[ok-looking] (if: $recipeSelect is 1)[cake](else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[nachoes](else:)[macaroni & cheese].
(print: $name) watches as the dish comes out. Person in white places the dish on the counter with a flourish and hands (print: $name) a knife and fork. As (print: $name) leans in to inspect and cut dish, a sequined scoreboard descends from the ceiling.]
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?script)[
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)And now the moment of truth. (print: $name) will taste their recipe as our judges finish the final tally of recipe authenticity. If (print: $name) is able to keep the dish down, they'll be come back to join us next week as a special guest in our studio audience!
If they followed the directions accurately, they'll be awarded the GRAND PRIZE!</div>
Close up of Scoreboard.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)However, if they failed to make an edible and accurate version of their selected recipe - it will be time for the
(Shouted in tandem) (text-style: "underline")[Wheel. Of. Inedibility.]
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?script)[
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
Drum roll please.</div>
The scoreboard's numbers start to cycle through quickly.
(print: $name) cuts into (link: "their recipe")[(if: Sscore is > 11)[(goto: "Tasting")](else:)[(goto:"Wheel of inedibility")]].
]]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.[[test]]
[[craving]](if: $recipeSelect is 1)[
(set: $ingredientsUsed to (a:)
(set: $ingredientsUsed to $ingredientsUsed.concat($ingredientsStep1, $ingredientsStep2, $ingredientsStep3, $ingredientsStep4))
(for: each _ingredient,...$ingredientsUsed)[(print: _ingredient),]
](if: $recipeSelect is 1)[\
(if: $actionStep 1 is "Combine")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep2a is "combine")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep2b is "whisk")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep2c is "smooth")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep3a is "Pour")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep3b is "into the baking dish")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep4a is "Bake the cake")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $actionStep4b is "55 minutes")[(set: $score to it + 1)](else:)[(set: $score to it -1)]
(if: $ingredientsStep1 contains all of (a: "flour", "sugar", "baking powder", "salt"))[(set: $score to it + 5)]
(else-if $ingredientsStep1 contains any of (a: "flour", "sugar", "baking powder", "salt"))[(set: $score to it + 1)]
(else:)[(set: $score to it - 1)]
(if: $ingredientsStep2 contains all of (a: "milk", "oil", "egg", "vanilla"))[(set: $score to it + 5)]
(else-if $ingredientsStep2 contains any of (a: "milk", "oil", "egg", "vanilla"))[(set: $score to it + 1)]
(else:)[(set: $score to it - 1)]
(if: $ingredientsStep3 contains "batter")[(set: $score to it + 5)]
(else:)[(set: $score to it - 1)]
(if: $ingredientsStep1 contains any of (a: "chip", "bean", "salsa", "onion", "pasta", "cheese", "paprika"))[(set: $score to it - 5)]
(if: $ingredientsStep2 contains any of (a: "chip", "bean", "salsa", "onion", "pasta", "cheese", "paprika"))[(set: $score to it - 5)]
(if: $ingredientsStep3 contains any of (a: "chip", "bean", "salsa", "onion", "pasta", "cheese", "paprika"))[(set: $score to it - 5)]
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[<!--Do Nothing--!>]\
(else:)[<!--Do Nothing--!>](if: $score >22)[\
The scoreboard dramatically reveals the score from right to left.
First a 0.
Then a second 0.
<div align="justify">AUDIENCE
Gasps (crescendo of anticipation).</div>
Followed by a 100. Confetti falls from the ceiling and theme music begins to play. The audience goes wild.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)A PERFECT RECIPE. (print: $name) has done it! They have won our grand prize. A rare occurance and you saw it here. Tonight! What a delight!
Cheering, applause.</div>
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?script)[
A door, also suspended by wires, descends from above the studio.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)(print: $name) We're so happy to present you with the GRAND PRIZE! This door is the often sought after, but rarely found, path to absolute contentment.
(V.O) That's right! A priceless GRAND PRIZE which you absolutely deserve! [[Just turn the knob->Contentment]] and continue on your culinary journey with our best wishes!</div>
(print: $name) opens their mouth to taste their creation as the scoreboard slows its spin. A giant (print: (round:(($score / 23)*100)))% illuminates above their head as they swallow a bite. Their face seems to say that the dish is, at the very least, edible.
<div align="justify">AUDIENCE
(V.O)And there we have it! (print: $name) has made a reasonable facimile of (if: $recipeSelect is 1)[a basic vanilla cake](else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[roasted pumpkin nachoes](else:)[gourmet macaroni & cheese] in under 3 minutes! Congratulations on this culinary feat! We now welcome (print: $name) back into our studio audience next time, for another chance to make a perfect receipe and win our GRAND PRIZE.
(link:"> Continue reading the script.")[(replace: ?script)[
SFX: Theme music begins.
The PA comes onto the set to lead (print: $name) back to their seat in the audience.
<div align="justify">ANNOUNCER
(V.O)And that sound means that's all the time we have today, so from all of us at (print: $showName) we say thank you, and don't forget to set your egg timers to join us next time! Good night!
(link:"> Clap along while the lights fade.")[(goto: "theend?")]
]You open the door to a darkness beyond. You walk through the door. The echoes of the studio audience and booming announcer still ring in your ears, and you expect to be accosted by another stage hand, but you find yourself in the middle of your kitchen.
Everything is as you remember it and you struggle to remember how you ended up on a cooking game show to begin with. You look over the contents of your kitchen and spy a white piece of paper on your fridge.
|fridge)[It reads: Congratulations. You have won the FRIDGE OF CONTENTMENT™. Never again will you find yourself asking "what do you want for dinner"; your FRIDGE OF CONTENTMENT™ simply knows and provides. Give it a shot. You deserve it.
Curious, you open the fridge to a blinding light.
As your eyes ajust, you see a single serving of exactly what you're [[craving right now->craving]].]
(click: "white piece of paper")[(show: ?fridge)](if: $recipeSelect is 1)[<img src="images/ascii-cake.jpeg" alt="the perfect slice of cake" height="489" width="426" />]
(else-if: $recipeSelect is 2)[<img src="images/ascii-nachoes.jpg" alt="the perfect nachoes" height="317" width="426" />]
(else:)[<img src="images/ascii-macNcheese.jpg" alt="the perfect macaroni and cheese" height="317" width="426" />]
The End.
(link:"Wait, no, I wasn't craving that...*burp*...")[(reload:)]You clap along with the audience until there is a loud clap and someone yells CUT - THAT'S A WRAP PEOPLE. The lights turn on brightly, and your eyes take a moment to adjust. The PA who escorted you from and to your seat comes over to the audience, says a few words to thank you for being there and then proceeds to usher you in a queue out of the studio.
You follow the line of audience members out of the studio stage to a door that leads to a long concrete audience. (either: "The woman in front of you shuffles slowly and smells strongly of floral perfume. You wrinkle your nose distracted by the smell so that when you pass through another door at the end of the hallway,", "The man in front of you walks quickly, and keeps stepping on the heels of the person in front of him. After the third time, the person in front turns and begins bickering with the man. The line continues forward jerkily as they continue fighting. It's distracting enough that", "The person in front of you has a tremendous wedgie and every few paces, they slow down to pick at the seam of their pants that is insistantly crawling back up with each new step. It's uncomfortable, yet mesmerizing and") you're slow to realize you've been lead into a new studio stage.
The queue of audience members are herded back into the rafters and before you have a chance to get settled, the lights go down and a large, electronic sign tells you to (link: "applaud...")[(reload:)]