A Sensuous Choose Your Own Adventure
<small>By [[Kay Slater->Kay]], 2019</small>]
[[>Head down the stairs.->Cellar - Start]]
First Edition Written: June 1st, 2019 @ 24 Hour Hungry CYOA Game Jam, Vancouver[*]. Rating: 16+\
//[ [*] Author wishes to respectfully acknowledge that they live, work, and play on the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territory of the [xʷməθkʷəy̓əm] (Musqueam), [Sḵwx̱wú7mesh] (Squamish) and [səl̓ilwətaɁɬ] (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples.]//
</small>[You descend the steps down to the cold cellar. The small room is build from unpainted masonry that leaves a white powder on your fingers when you touch the walls. The air tastes like cool stone and dust. The single bare lightbulb that hangs from the ceiling struggles to illuminates the mostly empty shelves in the larder.
You don't remember what you came down here for...]<story|
<hr /><div class="action">\
The shelf contains:
a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
//Click a jar to examine contents//
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go Back Up the Stairs (quit).->Staircase - Empty]]]
(click: "jar with a trace amount of mango coloured liquid")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with a trace amount of mango coloured liquid"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "depleted jar of pickled mangoes"))(display: "Mangoes")]]
(click: "pickled mangoes")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Mangoes")]]
(click: "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "depleted jar of pickled beets"))(display: "Beets")]]
(click: "pickled beets")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Beets")]]
(click: "jar with a single pickle")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Pickles")]]
(click: "jar with a pair of buoyant, off-white ovoids")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with a pair of buoyant, off-white ovoids"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "jar containing a couple of pickled eggs"))(display: "Eggs")]]
(click: "pickled eggs")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Eggs")]]
(click: "disturbing jar of what looks like pupiless eyeballs")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "disturbing jar of what looks like pupiless eyeballs"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "almost empty jar of pickled onions"))(display: "Onions")]]
(click: "pickled onions")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Onions")]]
(click: "half empty jar containing a knotted mass of red and orange stands and clumps")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "half empty jar containing a knotted mass of red and orange stands and clumps"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "pickled cabbage"))(display: "Kimchi")]]
(click: "pickled cabbage")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Kimchi")]]
}<!--Path for sugar-->\
(if: $jarMango's "quantity" is 1)[\
[You pick up the jar once containing Picked Mangoes. The jar smells of humid, thick weather. A few sips of pulpy mango juice remain.
[[Toss back the last of the juice.->Mangoes - Sugar Memory]]
<!--empty jar-->\
(else-if: $jarMango's "quantity" is 0)[\
[You pick up the jar that once contained the Picked Mangoes. The jar is sticky and smells of humid, thick weather. Your mouth waters with memories of sweet, pulpy mango juice.
[[Return the empty jar to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]]\
[You pick up the mango coloured jar. (if: $jarMango's "status" is "untouched")[Upon closer inspection you see it once was, in fact, filled with Pickled Mangoes.(set: $jarMango's "status" to "open")] The remaining pieces of fruit swirl about as you move the jar to inspect the contents, churning like orange seaweed in a pond.
[[• Taste the remaining Pickled Mangoes.->Mangoes - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[• Return the jar of Pickled Mangoes to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]]\
[[• Return the jar of Pickled Mangoes to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]]\
]<!--Path for sugar-->\
(if: $jarBeet's "quantity" is 1)[\
[You pick up the jar once containing Picked Beets. The jar smells a little bit of smoky and has a bittersweet aftertaste. A rich red sip of red coats the bottom of the jar.
[[Toss back the last of the juice.->Beets - Sugar Memory]]
<!--empty jar-->\
(else-if: $jarBeet's "quantity" is 0)[\
[You pick up the jar that once contained the Picked Beets. The jar smells a little sweet with the lingering hint of smoke.
[[Return the empty jar to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]]\
[You pick up the deep red coloured jar. (if: $jarBeet's "status" is "untouched")[Barely anthing remains in this jar, but as you tilt it to examine inside, the walls of the glass are immediate stained bright, sticky red with trails of sugar tracing the path of the remaining juice. (set: $jarBeet's "status" to "open")] A few sharp wedges of Pickled Beets remain at the bottom like sharks of glass in a pool.
[[• Taste the remaining Pickled Beets.->Beets - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[• Return the jar of Pickled Beets to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]]\
[[• Return the jar of Pickled Beets to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]]\
]The shelf contains: a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
Description Jar:
Describe the Jar. Include status full/half-full/half empty - fruit/half-empty - juice/empty.
Description Open:
Describe Opening the Jar. Include smell.
State status untouched to open
Description Taste:
Link to eat. Change initial quantity, half full (pre-story).
[[Put the jar back.->Pickles - Juice Memory]]
[[Taste the Pickled Cucumbers.->Pickles - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Cucumbers to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]
(if: $tastedLife is > 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Cucumbers to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]
]The shelf contains: a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
Description Jar:
Describe the Jar. Include status full/half-full/half empty - fruit/half-empty - juice/empty.
Description Open:
Describe Opening the Jar. Include smell.
State status untouched to open
Description Taste:
Link to eat. Change initial quantity, half full (pre-story).
[[Taste the Eggs.->Eggs - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Eggs to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]
(if: $tastedLife is > 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Eggs to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]
]The shelf contains: a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
Description Jar:
Describe the Jar. Include status full/half-full/half empty - fruit/half-empty - juice/empty.
Description Open:
Describe Opening the Jar. Include smell.
State status untouched to open
Description Taste:
Link to eat. Change initial quantity, half full (pre-story).
[[Taste the Onions.->Onions - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Onions to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]
(if: $tastedLife is > 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Onions to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]
]The shelf contains: a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
Description Jar:
Describe the Jar. Include status full/half-full/half empty - fruit/half-empty - juice/empty.
Description Open:
Describe Opening the Jar. Include smell.
State status untouched to open
Description Taste:
Link to eat. Change initial quantity, half full (pre-story).
[[Taste the Kimchi.->Kimchi - Eat]]
(if: $tastedLife is 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Onions to the shelf.->Cellar - Start]]
(if: $tastedLife is > 0)[\
[[Return the jar of Pickled Onions to the shelf.->Cellar - Visited]]
]Not sure why you went down the larder in the first place, you turn on your heel and head back up the dark, grey stairs. A light outline leaks out of the door at the top of the stairs. You stop your ascent when you realize you don't remember coming through that door in the first place.
[[Go up the stairs and through the door.->Bedroom - Empty]]
[[Go back to the cellar->Cellar - Start]]Describe heading up the stairs.
Check your pockets/inventory.
Sudo: Complete going up stairs. Embed the links in hidden text.
Sudo: Go Back down the stairs. Embed the links in hidden text.
[[Go up the stairs.->Bedroom - Half-Full Jar]]
[[Go back to the cellar->Cellar - Start]]{(set: $inventory to it + (a: "a bag of fresh onions", "a few fresh cabbages", "a few lemons"), $brine to "basic")}
[[|entrance>[You open the door, and step into the quintessential North Amercian kitchen, decorated in a southern, colonal style. The countertops, floors and door handles are polished wood, and the appliances are an antiqued iron, but every other surface is painted tea green.]|kitchen)[You are in a kitchen.]
A brilliant mid-afternoon light is shining through a window over the sink, reflecting off of every surface and causing the room to have an etherial, hazy glow.
<hr /><div class="action">\
The rustic stove is heating a large steel pot besides which a dozen mason jars and a wooden spoon sits ready. The smell of vinegar is heavy in the air.
Within armsreach is (if: $inventory contains "sugar" and "salt")[sacks of both salt and sugar](else-if: $inventory contains "sugar")[a sack of sugar](else:)[a sack of salt] and a few spices measured out in a variety of ramkins. Measuring tools, a chef's knife and a cutting board lay ready.
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|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link-repeat: "Look in pot.")[(replace: ?desc)[The pot contains gently steaming water and vinegar.]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[(link: "Look at appliances.")[(replace: ?entrance)[(show: ?kitchen)](replace: "appliances")[stove and icebox](replace: ?desc)[There is an antique wood burning stove and a genunine icebox.](link-repeat: "Look in icebox.")[(replace: ?desc)[You look in the icebox. It contains:
(for: _food where it contains "fresh", ...$inventory)[• _food<br>]
//Click an item to take it.//]]<items|]]<appliance|</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go Back Down the Stairs.->Cellar - Visited]]</li>
|appliances)[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
Look in icebox.</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
Look in ice box.</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go Back Down the Stairs.->Cellar - Visited]]</li>
[[End Game]] ]\
{(click: "fresh onions")[(replace: ?andThen)[(set: $jarOnion's "status" to "sealed")You remove the bag of pickling onions from the icebox. You start the repetitious and slow process of peeling the onions, careful not to touch your face as you do so. You sprinkle salt over the peeled vegetables and blink slowly.
(link: "Time Passes.")[
You move towards the stove, turn down the heat and add a quarter cup of sugar as well as a few pinches from the various ramkins filled with mild spices. You stir the mixture slowly, allowing the sugar to dissolve.
[//You decide that://
(link: "• You Should Add Extra Sugar (Add a Cup of Sugar)")[(set: $brine to "sweet")(replace: ?flavour)[You add a cup of sugar and some nutmeg from one of the spice ramkins.]]
(link: "• It needs some Sour (Add Lemon)")[(set: $brine to "sour")(replace: ?flavour)[You juice a few lemons and add them to the sugary brine. You add a slivered coil of lemon peel to each empty jar.]]
(link: "• Onions are always better with some Salt (Add a Cup of Salt)")[(set: $brine to "salty")(replace: ?flavour)[You add some water and a cup of salt to the resting onions. You leave them to soak and once they start to soften, you rince them off.]]
(link: "• You need to add some Spice (Add Mustard Seed and Cloves)")[(set: $brine to "spicy")(replace: ?flavour)[You crush up some mustard seed and toss it into your brine. You add one or two cloves to the waiting jars.]]
(link: "More Time Passes.")[\
The sugar dissolves which signals you to stop and turn off the heat. You fill the waiting jars with the dried and salted onions, filling (unless: $livedOnion > 11)[$livedOnion](else:)[12] of the 12 jars. You seal the jars and leave them to cool.
[[You leave the kitchen,->End Game]]]]]\
(click: "fresh mangoes")[(replace: ?andThen)[(set: $jarMango's "status" to "sealed")You remove the bag of mangoes from the fridge. You start the repetitious and slow process of peeling the mangoes. Once peeled, you cut the naked fruit, first quartering and then slicing them into thick slivers.
You move towards the stove, and add a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of chili powder.
//You decide that://
[• You should add extra Sugar (Add 1 Cup) (set: $brine to "sweet")
• You probably made a mistake somewhere. You go over the list of ingredients, and rush to add more vinegar and salt to your mixture.(set: $brine to "acidic")
• You need to add some Spice (Add Chili Pepper) (set: $brine to "spicy")
(link: "Time Passes.")[\
You stir the mixture until it comes to a boil and the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.
You fill the waiting jars with the peeled fruit, filling (unless: $livedMango > 11)[$livedMango](else:)[12] of the 12 jars to within 1/2 inch of the top with brine. You seal the jars and leave them to cool.
[[You leave the kitchen,->End Game]]]]\
}You sit up in bed.
The window is open and a cool breeze drifts into your room. Your toes are chilled having poked out from under the covers and you shiver slightly. The moonlight glints off the empty mason jar on your bedside table, and you fumble for it with stiff fingers it as you slide out of bed.
In the kitchen, you run room temperature water over your chilled fingers, relaxing as your skin's temperature catches up. Half dozing, you fill the jar with water and take a drink. The warm water washes away the last of the chill. You rinse the empty jar and leave it to dry on the counter.
You head back to bed.
[[Life Goes On.->Starting Screen]]Describe waking from a dream. Jar is full. Open jar and are flooded by memories. Phyical response. Return jar to nightstand and go back to bed.
[[Life Goes On.->Starting Screen]]Describe waking from a dream. Jar is half full.
[[Drink it. Return to bed.->Cellar - Visited]]
[[Wash the Jar. Life Goes On.->Starting Screen]]{(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $jarMango's status to "opened", $jarMango's quantity to 1, $tastedMango to 1)}\
You dip your fingers into the jar and extract a gooey, dripping morsel of fruit. The tender flesh squishes and flattens between your fingers and although you try and position the jar under the fruit as it travels to your mouth, slow, syrupy strings of juice stick to your chin as you slurp down the last piece of fragrant fruit.
The thick smell of tropical fruit reminds you of summer weather and jean shorts, humid sunsets and the refreshing tingle of sweat trailing down your spine. As the warm thoughts breeze through your mind, you tilt back your head and close your eyes, positioning the bare bulb over your head like a noon-time sun.
You stand there, eyes closed, arms gently at your side, and you feel relaxed and carefree. Time passes, but you feel so tranquil that it takes you a while to realize that the overhead light has shifted from behind your closed eyelids. Lazily, you open your eyes and see that the bulb above your head has gone out. The ersatz light of a setting sun glows down from the stairs leading down to the cellar.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs and see the real sun set. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving but you find yourself moving up the steps anyways.]
[[You climb the stairs.->Mangoes - Staircase Up]][\
[You approach the door.
You reach out and feel for the door handle. You find a round, metal knob that is slightly warm to the touch.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[|blast>[Twisting and pulling with the same motion, a hot blast of air pushes the door open and you stumble back squinting.]{(live: 3s)[.](live: 5s)[.](live: 8s)[.(replace:?blast)[(text-style: "smear")[Twisting and pulling with the same motion, a hot blast of air pushes the door open and you stumble back squinting.]]](live: 10s)[.]}\
{(live: 12s)[(replace:?everything)[(display: "Mangoes - Staircase Up 2")]]}
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|next>[<footer class="footer">\
]<everything|[You climb down into the cellar.
(if: $sack contains "a second gold ring")[You can hear the occassional chlinking of the metal rings in your sack as you descend the steps. You pause on the steps to pull them out of the sack and cradle them in your hand.
You continue walking down the steps slowly, examining the rings for marks and enjoying the slow body heat transfer to the metal bands. Holding the pair of them gives you a sense of surety and love.
As you reach the final steps, you trip a little and you clutch the rings as you regain your footing. When you open your hand again, they are gone.]\
(else-if: $sack contains "a gold ring")[You walk down the staircase when you stop suddenly. Your chest contracts and you realise there is something you forgot to do. You stand there breathless and struggling for a few moments as you try to remember what you needed to do, but your thoughts refuse to order themselves. Eventually, you get a handle on yourself and take large calming breaths, telling yourself that you can't squeeze water from a stone.
It will come back to you.
You continue walking downm, distracted enough that you trip a little and remember to focus on your breathing.
It will come back to you.]\
(else:)[The smell of sand and salt begins to mix together as you walk cautiously down the stairs. You're walking for a while before you're by a sudden chill. You look behind you knowing that the beach is gone before you complete your circuit. All that follows is shadow.]\
<hr /><div class="action">\
[You reach the final steps leading into a familiar cellar.]<desc|\
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|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go into the cellar.->Cellar - Visited]] </li>
(if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]
(if: $livedMango > 3)[\
(set: $hatch to 0)
(if: $inventory contains "vinegar")[\
(set: $jarMango's quantity to it - 1)
(if: $inventory contains "sugar")[\
(set: $jarMango's quantity to it - 1)
(if: $jarMango's quantity is < 0)[(set: $jarMango's quantity to 0)]
}(if: $pickledDreams > 1)[\
[You (if: (history:)'s last contains "sleep")[find yourself walking down the steps](else:)[descend the steps back down] to the cold cellar. The stone room seems less uninviting now, although the shelves are now completely empty except for a single glass mason jar.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[You remember now why you came down here and you feel glad that you did. You pick up the jar and turn around to head back up the stairs.]<desc|\
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|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Ascend the stairs.->Ascension]] \
(else-if: $tastedLife > 1)[\
[You (if: (history:)'s last contains "MangoA - Sleep")[find yourself walking down the steps](else:)[descend the steps back down] to the cold cellar. The still stone room is still, the shelves still mostly empty; but something is different.
You don't remember why you came down here, but you feel certain there was a good reason.]<story|
<hr /><div class="action">\
The shelf contains:
a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
[Beneath the dusty shelves, there is now:
(print: $inventory.join(',\n '))](items|
There should now be some change indicating you can go back up to the cellar. var-tastedLife is now 2, which means you've gone through at least 1 or 2 stories - but you haven't necessarily picked up all the items. There shoud be something - maybe in clue that indicates that should be a goal.]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go Back Up the Stairs.->Staircase - Half Full]]\
[You (if: (history:)'s last contains "MangoA - Sleep")[find yourself walking down the steps](else:)[descend the steps back down] to the cold cellar. The still stone room seems unchanged, the shelves still mostly empty.
You don't remember why you came down here, but you feel certain now that there was a reason.
(print: $jarMango's quantity)
<hr /><div class="action">\
The shelf contains:
a (print: $larder.join(',\n a ')).
Beneath the dusty shelves, there is now:
(print: $inventory.join(',\n '))](items|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go Back Up the Stairs.->Staircase - Empty]]\
(click: "jar with a trace amount of mango coloured liquid")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with a trace amount of mango coloured liquid"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "depleted jar of pickled mangoes"))(display: "Mangoes")]]
(unless: $jarMango's quantity is 0)[(click: "pickled mangoes")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Mangoes")]]](else:)[(set: $larder to $larder - (a: "depleted jar of pickled mangoes"))]
(click: "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "depleted jar of pickled beets"))(display: "Beets")]]
(click: "pickled beets")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Beets")]]
(click: "jar with a single pickle")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Pickles")]]
(click: "jar with a pair of buoyant, off-white ovoids")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with a pair of buoyant, off-white ovoids"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "jar containing a couple of pickled eggs"))(display: "Eggs")]]
(click: "pickled eggs")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Eggs")]]
(click: "disturbing jar of what looks like pupiless eyeballs")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "disturbing jar of what looks like pupiless eyeballs"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "almost empty jar of pickled onions"))(display: "Onions")]]
(click: "pickled onions")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Onions")]]
(click: "half empty jar containing a knotted mass of red and orange stands and clumps")[(replace: ?jars)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "half empty jar containing a knotted mass of red and orange stands and clumps"))(set: $larder to it + (a: "pickled cabbage"))(display: "Kimchi")]]
(click: "pickled cabbage")[(replace: ?jars)[(display: "Kimchi")]]
(if: $inventory's length is > 1)[(show: ?items)]}{(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $jarBeet's status to "opened", $jarBeet's quantity to 1, $tastedBeet to 1)}\
You dip your fingers into the jar and extract a gooey, dripping morsel of fruit. The tender flesh squishes and flattens between your fingers and although you try and position the jar under the fruit as it travels to your mouth, slow, syrupy strings of juice stick to your chin as you slurp down the last piece of fragrant fruit.
The thick smell of tropical fruit reminds you of summer weather and jean shorts, humid sunsets and the refreshing tingle of sweat trailing down your spine. As the warm thoughts breeze through your mind, you tilt back your head and close your eyes, positioning the bare bulb over your head like a noon-time sun.
You stand there, eyes closed, arms gently at your side, and you feel relaxed and carefree. Time passes, but you feel so tranquil that it takes you a while to realize that the overhead light has shifted from behind your closed eyelids. Lazily, you open your eyes and see that the bulb above your head has gone out. The ersatz light of a setting sun glows down from the stairs leading down to the cellar.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs and see the real sun set. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving but you find yourself moving up the steps anyways.]
[[You climb the stairs.->Beets - Staircase Up]](if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]\
Describe the end of the adventure and how you return to the cellar.
[[Take the stairs->Cellar - Visited]] The story - this will likely have a few passages, but I'd prefer it to just follow a yes/no format. You cannot repeat Beet story.
[[Head to the Washroom->Washroom]]
[[Conclude the story->Beets - Staircase Down]]{(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $pickleJar's "status" to "opened", $pickleJar's "quantity" to 3, $pickleJar to 1)}\
Describe taste of jar.
Describe how the light changes in the staircase.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving.]
[[Put the jar back and climb the stairs.->Pickles - Staircase Up]](if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]\
Describe the end of the adventure and how you return to the cellar.
[[Take the stairs->Cellar - Visited]] The story - this will likely have a few passages, but I'd prefer it to just follow a yes/no format.
[[Head to the Washroom->Washroom]]
[[Conclude the story->Pickles - Staircase Down]]Set up the scene.
[[Take the stairs->Pickles Story]] {(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $eggJar's "status" to "opened", $eggJar's "quantity" to 3, $eggJar to 1)}\
Describe taste of jar.
Describe how the light changes in the staircase.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving.]
[[Put the jar back and climb the stairs.->Eggs - Staircase Up]](if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]\
Describe the end of the adventure and how you return to the cellar.
[[Take the stairs->Cellar - Visited]] The story - this will likely have a few passages, but I'd prefer it to just follow a yes/no format.
[[Head to the Washroom->Washroom]]
[[Conclude Story->Eggs - Staircase Down]] Set up scene. You cannot repeat Egg story.
[[Take the stairs->Eggs Story]] {(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $onionJar's "status" to "opened", $onionJar's "quantity" to 3, $onionJar to 1)}\
Describe taste of jar.
Describe how the light changes in the staircase.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving.]
[[Put the jar back and climb the stairs.->Onions - Staircase Up]](if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]\
Describe the end of the adventure and how you return to the cellar.
[[Take the stairs->Cellar - Visited]] The story - this will likely have a few passages, but I'd prefer it to just follow a yes/no format.
[[Head to the Washroom->Washroom]]
[[Conclude Story->Onions - Staircase Down]] Set up scene. You cannot repeat Onion story.
[[Take the stairs->Onions Story]] {(if: $tastedLife is 0)[(show: ?scared)]
(set: $kimchiJar's "status" to "opened", $kimchiJar's "quantity" to 3, $kimchiJar to 1)}\
Describe taste of jar.
Describe how the light changes in the staircase.
You feel compelled to climb the stairs. |scared>[It's a bit unnerving.]
[[Put the jar back and climb the stairs.->Kimchi - Staircase Up]](if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]\
Describe the end of the adventure and how you return to the cellar.
[[Take the stairs->Cellar - Visited]] The story - this will likely have a few passages, but I'd prefer it to just follow a yes/no format.
[[Head to the Washroom->Washroom]]
[[Conclude Story->Kimchi - Staircase Down]] Set up scene. You cannot repeat Kimchi story.
[[Take the stairs->Kimchi Story]] Second chance to get sugar.
[[Leave the X->MangoA - Beach]] [\
[You approach the door.
You reach out and feel for the door handle. You find a glass door knob, textured and cool. The air smells stale up here.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[Twisting and pulling with the same motion, you walk into a column of air conditioning being blasted down from above. It pushes down at your eyelashes, and so blinking you walk through the column of air and outbehind a bar.
The everything is a deep shade of pink or bright, neon white.
You are carrying a wooden box that is very light.
[[You place the box on the bar.->Beets - Bar]]}
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
]<everything|Second chance to get vinegar.
[[Leave the X->Pickles - Staircase Down]] {
(set: $larder to (a: "jar with a trace amount of mango coloured liquid", "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red", "jar with a single pickle", "jar with a pair of buoyant, off-white ovoids", "disturbing jar of what looks like pupiless eyeballs", "half empty jar containing a knotted mass of red and orange stands and clumps"),
$sack to (a:),
$jarMango to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$jarBeet to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$jarPickle to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$jarEgg to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$jarOnion to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$jarKimchi to (dm: 'quantity', 2, 'status', "untouched"),
$tent to (dm: 'luggageHole', 0, 'picnic', 0, "combination", 0, "moon", 0, "sun", 0, "letter", 0, "allergies", 0, "napkin" ,0),
$min to 1000,
$max to 9999,
$hatch to 0,
$shack to (dm: "vinegar", 0, "shelf", 0, "hatch", "closed"),
$backstage to (dm: "hatch", "closed"))
<!-- Note: 2 full, 1 items remain, 0 empty. If the jars have contents > 0, larder will list these items. If full, player has not entered jarred memory. Status is untouched, opened and sealed (an end game condition) -->
(set: $pickledDreams to 0)
<!-- $pickledDreams indicates end game (salt, vinegar, jar, one tasted ingredient). -->
(set: $inventory to (a: "an empty jar"))
<!-- $inventory can contain salt, vingear, sugar & jar -->\
(set: $tastedMango to 0,
$livedMango to 0,
$tastedBeet to 0,
$livedBeet to 0,
$tastedPickle to 0,
$livedPickle to 0,
$tastedEgg to 0,
$livedEgg to 0,
$tastedOnion to 0,
$livedOnion to 0,
$tastedKimchi to 0,
$livedKimchi to 0,
$sweetChoice to 0,
$acridChoice to 0,
$saltyChoice to 0,
$spicyChoice to 0,
$tastedLife to 0,
$pickle_juice to 0,
$mango_juice to 0)
<!-- 0=nothing completed, +1=actions completed, 5=livedXfruit, tastedLife=2, end game opens. tastedLife 3, 100% story completion -->
$shelf to (css: "background-color:black; padding: 25px;"),
$mango to (text-colour: #B75E41),
$beet to (text-colour: red),
$pickles to (text-colour: lime),
$eggs to (text-colour: grey),
$onion to (text-colour: yellow),
$kimchi to (text-colour: red + orange),
$note to (font: 'Caveat')
(if: $inventory's length is > 3)[(set: $pickledDreams to it + 1, $larder to (a: "an empty glass jar"))]
(if: ($tastedMango + $tastedBeet + $tastedPickle + $tastedEgg + $tastedOnion + $tastedKimchi) > 1 and < 12)[(set: $tastedLife to 2)]
(else-if: ($tastedMango + $tastedBeet + $tastedPickle + $tastedEgg + $tastedOnion + $tastedKimchi) > 11)[(set: $tastedLife to 3)]
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
(if: $livedBeet > 3)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "jar with the remains of something deep, dark and red") - (a: "depleted jar of pickled beets"))]
}[Stepping towards the water, you walk on fine White sand. The sun has set and in the twilight, the ground seems to glow slighty against the coming darkness. [It's so powdery in places that it moves more like white ash than grains of sand.]<sand| The private beach is surrounded by a protective, rocky cove and you feel very relaxed. Back towards a line of trees is an incredibly large and fancy tent made of white canvas, surrounded by the manicured flora and a small patio enclosure. (unless: (history:) contains "MangoA - Beach")[(set: $livedMango to it + 1)]
<hr /><div class="action">\
[Candlelight flickers just inside the cloth walls, and the motion of the water is constant, everything still seems so still and quiet.
The air tickles your nose with the smell of salt and your eyes sting with sweat from the humidity.]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go towards the patio.->MangoA - Table]]</li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Walk into tent.->MangoA - Tent]]</li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Head back towards the shack.->MangoB - Shack]]</li>\
{(click: "white ash")[(set: $acridChoice to it + 1)(replace: ?sand)[The sand is like white ash.]]
(click: "grains of sand")[(set: $saltyChoice to it +1)(replace: ?sand)[The white sand is like layered salt.]]
}[|workbench>[A dusty, but sturdy looking work area bisects the back wall]. Rakes, brooms and large gardening sheers are hang within easy reach. (if: $shack's shelf is 0)[A shelf is installed haphazardly over the doorframe.]]<story|
<hr /><div class="action">\
(if: $shack's vinegar is 1)[(set: $shack's vinegar to 2)You wonder how long it's been here.
You recork the bottle and after a moment's consideration, you decide to take it with you anyways.]\
(else-if: $sack's length < 1)[The air is dusty and smells of fertilizer.]\
(else-if: $shack's hatch is "open")[There's something about this room. This is what you came back for...]\
(else-if: $livedMango > 3)[Something is different.]\
(else:)[(if: $shack's shelf is 1)[An empty burlap sack is on the ground.
(set: $shack's shelf to 2)]\
The treacherous plank of wood is on the ground. A wooden hatch sits in the centre of the floor.]\
(if: $livedMango > 3)[A faint glow emanates from under the floor hatch.](else:)[Your wrist aches from fighting with the hatch. You get the sense that the hatch is not going to open without some assistance. You decide to leave the hatch for now.]](clue|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link-repeat: "Examine the workbench")[\
(replace: ?workbench)[A work area stands at the back of the room]\
(replace: ?desc)[It's surface littered with garden tools, seeds and parchment paper. There is a small, lower shelf tucked under the larger top slab of mahogany. Below that, stale sacks of fertilizer lay open and abandoned.]\
(click: "lower shelf")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
Hunching down, you see a mismatched series of dust-covered bottles. The labels are yellowed and faded with age.\
(unless: $inventory contains "vinegar")[\
(click: "bottles")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
A single bottle is still sealed, and you grab and uncork it excitedly. The air becomes thick with the astringent smell of (link: "vinegar.")[\
$inventory to it + (a: "vinegar"),
$shack's vinegar to 1
(if: $sack contains "an empty jar")[\
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar")
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
(else:)[<!--Do Nothing-->]
<li class="flex-item">\
(link-repeat: "Look at the hanging tools.")[(replace: ?desc)[Tools for landscaping and gardening. Most are in disrepair and aren't of much use.]]\
<li class="flex-item">\
(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[\
(if: $shack's shelf is 0)[\
<!--This link either shows the pre-shelf // or post-shelf--!>\
(link: "Check out the shelf above the door.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The wood shelf is barely affixed to the wall; a board sits atop two bent screws and is likely held in place by spider webs. You crane your neck to see what is hidden away on the precarious shelf. There appears to be an empty canvas sack stuffed up there.
(link: "Grab the sack from dubious shelf.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(set: $shack's shelf to 1)\
You prepare to jump a little in order to reach up and grab the sack.
As your feet leave the ground, the floor protests loudly with an unnatural shriek, and you falter. Your hand clumsily knocks the board and the sack off the wall and it all comes clattering down. The sharp edge of the wood shelf catches your forehead and you're pretty sure you've drawn blood.
(link: "Look at floor.")[[[Look at floor.->MangoB - Shack]]
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an empty jar", "a folded piece of parchment"))
(set: $inventory to it + (a: "an old vegetable sack"))
(if: $inventory contains "vinegar")[(unless: $sack contains "vinegar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "sugar")[(unless: $sack contains "sugar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "few packets of brown sugar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "napkin")[(unless: $sack contains "napkin")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a napkin with a sweet doodle"))]]
You eye the hostile plank of wood with distrust. While it may have cost you some blood, you can now see that the sack is, in fact, not empty. You guess it was [\
(link: "worth it.")[\
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
<!--This link post-shelf, sack not picked up.--!>\
(link: "Look at the sack on the floor.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an empty jar", "a folded piece of parchment"))
(set: $inventory to it + (a: "an old vegetable sack"))
(if: $inventory contains "vinegar")[(unless: $sack contains "vinegar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "sugar")[(unless: $sack contains "sugar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "few packets of brown sugar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "napkin")[(unless: $sack contains "napkin")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a napkin with a sweet doodle"))]]
You eye the hostile plank of wood with distrust. While it may have cost you some blood, you can now see that the sack is, in fact, not empty. You guess it was [\
(link: "worth it.")[\
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
[[Look at floor.->MangoB - Shack]]]\
<!--Sack picked up, examine hatch--!>\
(link-repeat: "Look at floor.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(if: $livedMango > 3)[\
The hatch awaits. You need only pull the (link-repeat: "handle.")[\
(set: $openMango to 1)(show: ?cellar)(replace: ?desc)[\
You pull and the hatch swings open. A stone staircase leads down.
A defiant wood shelf is on the ground. Near it, a dusty square depression can be seen in the centre of the shack floor. There is a small metal ring that likely acts as a (link-repeat: "handle.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You pull the ring and the hatch remains firmly in place.(set: $hatch to it + 1)\
<li class="flex-item">[[Leave shack.->MangoA - Beach]]</li>
[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">(link-repeat:"Descend the steps.")[(set: $shack's hatch to "open")(go-to: "Mangoes - Staircase Down")]</li></ul>](cellar|\
(if: $hatch > 2)[(show: ?clue)]
(if: $openMango is 1)[(replace: ?next)[](show: ?cellar)]
(click: "empty burlap sack")[(replace: ?desc)[You pick up the sack.]]
}[Volcanic rock landscape // path back through few stands of trees, bamboo groves & dry river beds.
sudo confusion on map.
<hr /><div class="action">\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Follow to grove (fruit)->Eggs Story]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Head towards X->Eggs Story]]</li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Head back towards the shack->Eggs Story]]</li>\
</footer>][The private beach can be quietly enjoyed under the protection of a large umbrella installed over a glass inset, wicker table.
To the side of the tent, a low humming of a generator can barely be heard from a small privacy partition.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[(if: (history:)'s last is "MangoA - Table")[You put the cute drawing into your sack. You feel certain that it was for you.]\
(else:)[The beach is beautiful, the sea is calm.]]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">(link-repeat: "Look at the table.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
On the table is a drink tray with the crumbs of two cocktails made with vodka and pickled mangoes, whose jar lays open on its side. Bugs fly lazily about getting stuck in the sticky, boozy puddle trap. A ballpoint pen sits atop a stack of cocktail napkins, surrounded by a litter of empty sugar packets.\
<li class="flex-item">(link-repeat: "Look inside the privacy partition")[\
(set: $livedMango to it + 1)\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You peek your head in to see a bucket, though beautiful and complete with a porcelain seat, covering what is likely to be the tent's waste collection for it's occupants. There is a temporary shower hung against the side of the outer tent wall and a small metal grate sits in the sand as a makeshift wash station. Beyond this, a small generator hums away beside a water barrel.\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Go inside the tent.->MangoA - Tent]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Return to beach.->MangoA - Beach]]</li>\
{(unless: $sack contains "few packets of brown sugar")[\
(click: "sugar packets")[\
(set: $sweetChoice to it + 1)\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The paper packets are a variety of colours, likely depicting the type of sugar they hold. On the drink tray, a good assortment sits in a small metal caddy, but for those on the table. Discarded curls of brown paper gently undulate in the breeze mixed in amongst a few tiny, amber-coloured cubes. A few eager ants dodge and mount the paper to do quick business of the scattered remanning sweets.
(click: "small metal caddy")[\
(set: $inventory to it + (a: "sugar"))\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You pull out the remaining sugars from the caddy(if: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[ and put them in your sack(set: $sack to $sack + (a: "few packets of brown sugar"), $livedMango to it + 1)].
(unless: $inventory contains "napkin")[\
(click: "ballpoint pen")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You (if: $tent's napkin is 0)[\
go to pick it up and see a small doodle has been drawn on the top napkin.\
(else-if: $tent's napkin is 1)[\
pick up the pen and add to your soggy drawing. After a while, the napkin starts to tear and you ball it up(set: $tent's napkin to 2).\
pick up the pen, and then put it down.\
(click: "pick it up")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You return your attention to the pen and pick up the already scribbled on napkin. You turn it over, absently mopping up a drop of two of moisture nearby, and then draw...a...(set: $acridChoice to it + 1)[
//...what do you draw?://
(link: "• ...scribble?")[(set: $tent's napkin to 1)(replace: ?drawing)[scribble or two. The napkin starts to breakdown with each pen stroke and you set it aside.]]
(link: "• ...questions marks?")[(set: $saltyChoice to it + 1)(set: $tent's napkin to 1)(replace: ?drawing)[question mark. Then another. Then a circle. Then a face. Then more question marks. You frown. The napkin starts to breakdown with each penstroke and you set it aside.]]
(link: "• ...penis?")[(set: $spicyChoice to it + 1)(set: $tent's napkin to 1)(replace: ?drawing)[dick. Because...doodles. You giggle to yourself quietly as napkin starts to breakdown with each pen(is)stroke and you set it aside.]]
(if: $inventory contains "a second gold ring")[(link: "• ...set of rings?")[(set: $sweetChoice to it + 1)(set: $tent's napkin to 1, $livedMango to it + 1)(replace: ?drawing)[set of rings. You pull out the golden pair and start to sketch them intertwined You can't get over the fact that you found a matching pair of the same ring in different hiding places. You can't say specifically why it's important, but it means something to the place in your brain that can still remember. The napkin starts to breakdown with each pen stroke and you set it aside.]]]\
(click: "small doodle")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You put the pen aside and pick up the little drawing. It's two stick figures standing together. Above an oversized circle indicating the figures are holding hands, there is a heart. It's adorable and you consider taking it with you.(set: $livedMango to it + 1)
(click: "taking it")[\
(set: $sweetChoice to it + 1, $inventory to it + (a: "napkin"), $tent's napkin to 2)(if: $sack contains "an empty jar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a napkin with a sweet doodle"))](go-to: "MangoA - Table")
(if: (history:)'s last contains "MangoA - Tent")[\
You are inside a lavish tent.]\
(else-if: (history:)'s last contains "MangoA - Sleep")[\
You have a too-hot and restless nap and wake up more tired than before. You feel like there is something you need to do before you can sleep but when you try to focus on the memory, your mental block becomes more opaque. You step out of bed, part the curtains and pull on your clothes with distaste as it clings to your sweaty body.
Stepping inside the large tent reveals a lavish interior. The canvas walls are covered in layered silk and gossamer fabrics that sway gently, shimmering in the gentle light of a dozen tiny lanterns spread about the space.]\
<hr /><div class="action">\
[You feel a little dizzy. You are once again standing at the entrance of the tent. Looking over at the stack of luggage causes your vision to tunnel. You stare at one of the flickering lights for a moment or two as you steady yourself and the world seems to right itself.
Perhaps you don't want to look inside the small dark blue bag...
The tent's entrance is framed by two ornate nightstands upon which a pair of larger lanterns stand. The posh pavilion features is a huge king-sized bed, piled high with purple and gold pillows. To one side of the swanky shelter is an antique, Spanish lowboy upon which a deluxe picnic basket sits open. It neighbours a matched pyramid of luggage, and handbags.]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[(link-repeat: "Look at Nightstands.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The left nightstand, from the entrance, has a complex carving of a brilliant (link-repeat: "sun")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The sun-engraved nightstand door is (unless: $sack contains "an ornate key")[locked.](else:)[|locked>[locked, but a small hole looks like it would fit the little brass key.](click: "key")[(replace: ?locked)[open. Inside is a mini-fridge stocked with small bottles of alcohol, some fresh fruit, a few candy bars, bottles of water and folded piece of (link-repeat: "card stock.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[Closing the fridge, you unfold the tented card and a note reads:
Dear honoured guest,
As per your request, we've done our best to remove any traces of nuts from the fridge and will ensure your dining experience with us will be nut-free. We were unable to accommodate your specific request for dessert for tomorrow's picnic, but we have made certain that the meal will still be memorable and to your liking. Tomorrow at 11AM, we are scheduled to come and restock, so help yourself to the contents of this complimentary snack fridge. Please note the Clubhouse Grove (inner island) is closed to the public until November.
Management.(set: $tent's allergies to 1, $mangoLived to it + 1)\
The chocolate covered treats are a foreign brand to you but from the photo, it's pretty obvious that it contains nuts.(click: "chocolate covered treats")[(replace: ?desc)[You pick up the candy and close the minibar.(set: $sack to it + (a: "a candy bar with nuts"), $acridChoice to it + 1)]]
{(click-replace: "fresh fruit")[(set: $sweetChoice to it + 1)mangoes (you grab one and bite into it, continuing your search)][(if: $tent's allergies is 1)[(click: "candy bars")[(replace: "candy bars")[dangerous snacks](show: ?candy)]]]}\
]. There is an official looking, (if: $tent's letter is 0)[sealed](else:)[open] envelope on it's surface. The right, has a similarly intricate carving featuring a (link-repeat: "moon.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The moon-engraved nightstand door opens to reveal a pile of fluffy towels and facecloths. On top of this, there is a sparkly, zippered toiletries bag. You pull it out and open it to see a pair of toothbrushes, tooth paste, a hairbrush, a comb, an epi pen, some condoms and wet wipes, and (link-repeat: "a folded piece of paper.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(if: $tent's combination is 0)[\
(set: $tent's combination to (random: $min, $max), $spicyChoice to it + 1, $livedMango to it + 1) You unfold the piece of paper. It reads (print: $tent's "combination"). You refold it, put it back in its hiding spot and close the nightstand.
You reopen the piece of paper. It reads (print: $tent's combination). You refold it, put it back in its hiding spot and close the nightstand.
Upon each is a lantern made from brightly polished gold and brass. The flames dance inside their gilded cages.
<li class="flex-item">\
[(link-repeat: "Look at Bed.")[(replace: ?desc)[The sumptuous sleeping area is covered by a translucent netting. It gives the bed an otherworldly appearance as if parting the curtains would lead to another world. You quietly step towards the mattress and, through the forest of royal coloured pillows, you see a sleeping figure laying beneath a white silk sheet. (set: $spicyChoice to it + 1)(link: "Part the netting and get into bed")[(go-to: "MangoA - Sleep")]]]]</li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
[(if: $tent's "picnic" is 0)[(link: "Look at Lowboy.")[(replace: ?desc)[The antique English hutch is decorated in a Spanish colonial style. You open and claose the tiny drawers compulsively. An annoyed whimper comes from the bed.](link-repeat: "Look at Picnic Basket")[(replace: ?desc)[The picnic basket is ridiculously opulent, with a purple velvet lining and delicate serving-ware strapped down by fine leather straps with golden buckles. A bottle of red wine, 2 thin crystal glasses, and a pair of rough silk napkins are tucked in beside a beautiful set of metallic salt and pepper shakers.(set: $tent's "picnic" to 1)]]]](else:)[(link-repeat: "Look at Picnic Basket")[(replace: ?desc)[The picnic basket is ridiculously opulent, with a purple velvet lining and delicate serving-ware strapped down by fine leather straps with golden buckles. A bottle of red wine, 2 thin crystal glasses, and a pair of rough silk napkins are tucked in beside a beautiful set of metallic salt and pepper shakers.]]]]<picnic|</li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
(if: $tent's luggageHole is 0)[\
(link: "Look at Luggage")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You look at the ascending stack of matching purple luggage. The colour matches so perfectly with the tent's decor that it seems unlikely to have been brought by random travellers. You begin unzipping one of the smaller handbags and pause when you hear a rustling from the bed.
(link: "Continue to examine luggage")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(set: $tent's "luggageHole" to it + 1)
(set: $livedMango to it + 1)}\
You continue to unzip the smaller bag, a little slower while you keep an ear turned towards the bed. The bag contains various articles of lightweight clothing, a swimsuit and some sunscreen.
(link: "Look at another piece of luggage.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You rezip the previous bag, and move down to the next sized luggage. This bag contains a few more articles of clothing, all linens and silks. It also contains 2 pairs of Gucci sandals, the words emblazoned in large white letters across the black tops.
(link: "Continue to the next piece of luggage")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You rezip the previous bag, and move down to the second largest piece of luggage. Inside, there are several sarongs, towels, hand-cloths, and a pair of lightweight bathrobes. Each of these items feature a monochromatic, heraldic logo featuring a sun, 3 stars and a lion.
(link: "Look inside the last piece of luggage")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You rezip the previous bag, a move down to the largest piece of luggage. Unzipping this bag reveals 2 smaller bags. These bags are worn and are different shades of blue. The\
(unless: $sack contains "a second gold ring")[\
(link-repeat: "left bag")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(unless: $tent's combination is 0)[\
You unzip the bag and find a(if: $sack contains "a gold ring")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a second gold ring"))nother ]\
(set: $sack to it + (a: "a gold ring"))]gold ring.
You look at it for a moment and then put it into your pocket.
You don't know the combination. You guess a few random numbers but nothing works and you give up.(set: $acridChoice to it + 1)
<!--You found the ring.-->\
(else:)[left bag]\
has small, metal combination lock. The right bag is already unzipped.
[[Look inside right bag->MangoA - Tent]]\
(link: "Look through Luggage.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You approach the ascending stack of matching purple luggage. You begin unzipping one of the smaller handbags and pause...
...deciding instead to go for the largest one at the bottom.
(link: "Unzip largest bag.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(set: $tent's "luggageHole" to it + 1)}\
You unzip largest piece of luggage and see it contains 2 smaller bags. These bags are worn and are different shades of blue. The\
(unless: $sack contains "a second gold ring")[\
(link-repeat: "left bag")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(unless: $tent's combination is 0)[\
You unzip the bag and find a(if: $sack contains "a gold ring")[\
(set: $sack to it + (a: "a second gold ring"))nother ](else:)[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a gold ring"))]gold ring.
You look at it for a moment and then put it into your pocket.
You don't know the combination. You guess a few random numbers but nothing works and you give up.
<!--You found the ring.-->\
(else:)[left bag]\
has small, metal combination lock. The right bag is already unzipped.
[[Look inside right bag->MangoA - Tent]]\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Exit tent->MangoA - Table]] </li>\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Leave tent and head back to beach->MangoA - Beach]] </li>
(if: (history:)'s last contains "MangoA - Tent" and $tent's luggageHole > 0)[(show: ?hole)](if: $tent's luggageHole is > 1)[(show: ?clue)]
(if: $tent's "picnic" is 2)[<!--do nothing--!>]
(else:)[(click: "salt and pepper shakers")[(replace: ?desc)[You reach into the picnic basket and are drawn to the golden pepper shaker. The cool, smooth vessle feels delicate. It rattles slightly as you handle it.]]
(click: "handle")[(replace: ?desc)[Curious, you unscrew the little pepper holder and find the dark contents seemingly empty. You upend it and a(if: $sack contains "a gold ring")[nother] gold ring falls into your hand.
You look at it for a moment and then put it into your pocket.(unless: $sack contains "a gold ring")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a gold ring"))](else:)[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a second gold ring"))](set: $tent's "picnic" to 2)(set: $mangoLived to it + 1)]]]
(click: "epi pen")[(replace: ?desc)[You pull out the epi pen and check the expiry date. You put it back in the bag and close the nightstand.(set: $tent's allergies to 1)(set: $mangoLived to it + 1)]]
(click: "envelope")[(replace: ?desc)[The envelope contains welcome information from the resort. It confirms that the beach rental is private except for a 1 hour period every day where the staff will come to clean and replenish the fridge and water supply. The paper is expensive and the language flourid.(set: $tent's letter to 1)(unless: $sack contains "an ornate key")[Inside there is a small brass key.]]]
(click: "small brass key")[(replace: ?desc)[You pick up the key, close the nightstand and replace the envelope on top.(set: $sack to it + (a: "an ornate key"))]]
}[Describe fruit tree. Eat fruit.
Sudo add eaten mango to tasted mango.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[DESCRIPTION(set: $livedMango to it +1)]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Continue path to cave.->Eggs Story]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Head back to shack->Eggs Story]]</li>\
</footer>][Describe fruit tree. Eat fruit.
Sudo add eaten mango to tasted mango.
<hr /><div class="action">\
(set: $livedMango to it +1)]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Continue path to tree.->Eggs Story]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Head back to shack->Eggs Story]]</li>\
[You find yourself in a small wooden shack.
<hr /><div class="action">\
[The door opens onto a beach of white sand surrounded by Shorea trees.]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Exit the shack.->MangoA - Beach]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
[[Look around the shack.->MangoB - Shack]]</li>\
</footer>](if: (passage:)'s tags contains "Cellar")[<!--Do Nothing--!>]\
(else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "End Game")[<!--Do Nothing--!>]\
(else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "Ascent")[<!--Do Nothing--!>]\
(else-if: (passage:)'s tags contains "Descent")[<!--Do Nothing--!>]\
(if: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[\
Your cloth sack contains (print: $sack.join(", ")).]\
(click: "a folded piece of parchment")[(replace: ?desc)[You unfold the leathery piece of parchment and discover that it's a map!(set: $sack to it - (a: "a folded piece of parchment"))(set: $sack to it + (a: "a map")) The map shows the topography of an unnaturally round island with 4 large icons; a tree, a cave, a tent and a shovel.]]
(click: "a map")[(replace: ?desc)[The map shows the topography of an unnaturally round island with 4 large icons; a tree, a cave, a tent and a shovel.]]
(click: "an empty jar")[(replace: ?desc)[It is a clean, clear mason jar made from glass. The metal lid screws on and off easily, it's seal long broken. The glass relief is mostly made up of decorative leaves and vines surround a smooth oval depression where a label might sit. You estimate it could hold about 500mL.]]
(click: "an old vegetable sack")[(replace: ?desc)[This dirty burlap sack has seen better days but it been mended a few times (if the different coloured string is any indication) and will hold its next load of vegetables without any trouble.]]
(click: "a gold ring")[(replace: ?desc)[A simple band. It feels more valueable beyond it's worth in gold. (if: $sack contains "a second gold ring")[It matches exactly to the other gold band.]]
(click: "a second gold ring")[(replace: ?desc)[It would look like a simple simple band, if you didn't have it's matched partner in your possession. This ring is part of a set.]]
}[You part the suspended netting and step towards the sleeping figure. You stand there for a moment, staring at the continuous rise and fall of the silk sheet and the figure beneath them. (if: $inventory contains "a gold ring")[You are overwhelmed by the memory of standing over this sleeping form. The rooms seems to shift suddenly into a familiar space, a familiar bed. You hold in your hand a gold ring and you stare down lovelingly at the peaceful rest of the person sleeping. You nod your head and come to a decision. You pull a purple ring box from your pocket and return the gold ring into the velvet lined slot, closing the box silently. You place the box inside your nightside table and start ](else:)[You are overwhelmed by the memory of a nightly ritual, standing next to a bed and this presence. You find yourself ] removing your clothes, never taking your eyes from the slumbering form.
Naked, you gently slide beneath the covers moving towards them.]<story|\
[You continue to carefully shift yourself towards the sleeping figure, but you never seem to close the distance. You have the thought that the bed is ridiculously huge before surrendering to a sleep that descends upon you without warning.
(unless: $livedMango > 2)[[[You sleep but...->MangoA - Tent]]]\
(else:)[(link: "Sleep.")[(set: $openMango to 1)(go-to: "Cellar - Visited")]]
{(click: "moving towards them")[
(replace: ?story)[]
(show: ?sleep)
(if: $livedMango > 2)[(set: $larder to it - (a: "depleted jar of pickled mangoes"))]
(if: $tastedLife is < 2)[(set: $tastedLife to 1)]
(if: $inventory contains all of (a: "vinegar", "sugar"))[(set: $jarMango's quantity to 0)]
}{(set: $jarMango's status to "sealed")}\
(if: $jarMango's status is "sealed")[<!--Mango Ending--!>\
[(set: $ending to 0)\
[The tent walls flicker with excited candle light as you lay there sweating, bodies entangled and breathless.
You're unused to the oppressive heat of the southern islands and while you're not unaccustomed to some active and moist sex, you're not usually this soaked and spent. The jet-lag of your initial trip and then the long boat ride had left you overtired and giddy, and you fell into each others arms with an intoxicated abandon to celebrate the start of your long, awaited vacation.
They suggest that you have a drink together on the patio and you take each other's hand as you exit the tent, beats of salty sweat and sex dripping down your legs.
(link: "You follow them outside...")[\
(replace: ?progression)[\
The private beach rental was extremely expensive and while your chest is tight at the thought of what's to come and how much you spent on this staging this proposal, the peaceful mantra repeated by the waves combined with the delight at being naked in the warm ocean breeze chases away some of your lingering worries. The setting sun lazily drops down below the horizon as you enjoy a cocktail made with vodka and pickled mangoes, the jar still out as you both snack away on the fruit with your fingers.
(link: "Time passes gently by...")[\
(replace: ?progression)[\
You linger in companionable silence as you both struggle to carry on any conversation. (if: $inventory contains "napkin")[They pick up a pen from the drink tray and doodle on a cocktail napkin and you begin to doze.] Finally, they stand up and you're jolted awake. You focus and watch as they set the alarm on their phone, talking about final plans for tomorrow's picnic.
The picnic. You raise your wrist in a sympathetic gesture to also set your smart watch to am alarm. Some of your anxiety bubbles back and the pickled mangoes churn unpleasantly in your stomach. You're both excited and worried in equal measures. They stare at you as you struggle to regain your focus, to simply navigate to the alarm screen on your watch, and they remark that it was a good thing you both decided to take the week off. They worry that you've been working too hard and that they miss you. Now completely distracted from your watch, you move in to kiss them as they casually whisper that they are glad at the decision to invest in this trip and not a big wedding.
(link: "You pause...")[\
(replace: ?progression)[\
You stop in your glide towards their kiss and pull back look at them. Your pause causes them to blush and say that they were relieved that they weren't going to have to spend the the time planning something that neither of you have time for in the coming months - years. They finish the distance between you to leave a warm kiss that smells of sex and alcohol before they turn and move, half-asleep, jerkily towards a small partitioned section in the gigantic tent reserved for their washroom and water storage.
You sit there considering what just happened, still with your wrist and watch held firmly in your other hand in a frozen, shocked state.
(link: "You pause...")[\
(replace: ?progression)[\
You go over every detail of your vacation planning the previous 2 months as it led you to be certain that this vacation would double as a stage for your engagement and elopement. You had asked pretty pointed questions about their timeline and whether they even wanted to be married. You had been sure that they were not interested in "big wedding" and that the officiant from the local embassy that you had discreetly scheduled to travel out and meet with at the end of the week would be the destination version of the legal ceremony they had alluded to wanting in the past.
You hear a rustle from the tent and track their audible movements as they move about the room. While you're away from your usual bedroom, the routine stays the same. You hear them zip open and shut the luggage as they get dressed for bed.
(if: $inventory contains "a second gold ring")[You hear them start to slowly, almost comically so, cross the woven mats within. Then an almost imperceptible sound of a cupboard opening. Your ears wait until the cupboard is gently closed and softer steps recede back towards the bed.]\
(link: "You pause...")[(show: ?then)\
(replace: ?progression)[\
(if: $inventory contains "a second gold ring")[...and then you realize - no you've always known - what those sounds meant. Your doubts evapourate.
The scratchy sound of fabric parting tells you they have finally gotten into bed. It doesn't take long before the rhythmic sound of their breath becomes a gentle, occasional snore and you know they are asleep.]\
The scratchy sound of fabric parting tells you they have finally gotten into bed. It doesn't take long before the rhythmic sound of their breath becomes a gentle, occasional snore and you know they are asleep.
(if: $brine is "acidic")[Maybe this is wrong.
You love them so much. You were so sure, but now you're not. You ride a rollercoaster of emotions as you doubt all your plans, your commitment - everything that led you to booking an extravagant holiday on an isolated beach - hell, ISLAND, in the middle of the ocean just to show them that they are worth the expense, time off, focus and attention.
(if: $tent's sun is 1)[
You gesture at your watch and navigate to a folder where you've stored your vacation shots so far. You swipe your finger across the menu and press down against the warm glass screen strapped to your write and as you pull your hand away, you are zoomed in on the shot from 24 hours earlier. The brave/foolish sleeping selfie you took from the seats on your plane ride, their mouth gently open and yours in a grin as you hold up the gold engagement band in frame. All they needed to do was ask to look at the vacation snapshots and the secret would be over. Perhaps you wanted them to see - perhaps the real doubt was seeded before you even arrived on this beach.]
(if: $brine is "acidic")[
Or maybe this is wrong.
Or perhaps you knew that they wanted this too...and that you can't wait to share the surprise. Maybe these questions needed to be faced before you could go ahead with your plans. Maybe doubt allowed you to review and affirm that you were making a good decision based on the right reasons.
(if: $brine is "acidic")[
Or maybe this is really wrong.]\
(if: $brine is "sweet")[
And you are.
You love them and want to spend forever together. You realize the quick date with the officiant might be pushing it and you had time to cancel and reschedule.
Because they are worth the wait.]\
(if: $brine is "spicy")[
Or maybe you're overthinking this like you do everything else in your life. Maybe this is finally the time to just go for it and ignore your apprehension.]\
<hr /><div class="action">\
[You finally set your alarm and move towards the bed and their sleeping form. You look down lovingly at the peaceful rest of their sleeping. You go over to the picnic basket and remove the gold ring you'd hidden in the pepper shaker. You nod your head and come to a decision.]<desc|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link: "You decide to propose tomorrow as planned at the picnic, but to discuss next steps and dates together.")[(replace: ?story)[You decide to propose tomorrow as planned at the picnic, but to discuss next steps and dates together.
](replace: ?next)[](replace: ?desc)[\
You wake up together mid-afternoon having slept off most of the jet-lag and staying asleep through the hottest part of the day. Bugs cling to the outside of the netting and the air is loud with their song and the accompanying ocean.
Your picnic basket is now paired with a small cooler, left by the staff earlier in the day. All you need is to dress, head to the beach and ask the question whose answer will help shape the next phase of both of your lives.
(if: $brine is "sweet")[(set: $ending to 1)You can't wait to spend the rest of your life together, but you can wait until you're both ready to get married.
[[You propose at your beachside picnic, telling them that the ring is a promise that comes with no time limit.->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]\
(else-if: $brine is "spicy")[(set: $ending to 2)[[Screw pants. You propose in bed.->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]\
(else-if: $brine is "acidic")[(set: $ending to 3)[[You get the beach picnic and you decide it's not the right time. You second guess yourself throughout the meal and you head back afterwards in silence.->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]\
[You propose later at your beachside picnic and while you sense some hesitation from them, they say yes.
(link: "• You tell them about the officiant and that you want to elope before they can change their mind.")[(replace: ?story)[You tell them about the officiant and that you want to elope before they can change their mind.
](replace: ?next)[](set: $ending to 4)(replace: ?desc)[It seems you missed the hesitation in their answer and this rapid succession of surprises turns out to be too much for them. They return to the tent with some alacrity, leaving you to clean up the picnic.
[[Return to the tent.->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]]
(link: "• You tell them about the officiant but explain that it was impulsive, completely cancellable, and ultimately a decision you will make together.")[(replace: ?story)[You tell them about the officiant but explain that it was impulsive, completely cancellable, and ultimately a decision you will make together.
](replace: ?desc)[(set: $ending to 1)They confirm that eloping in a foreign country might be a little too much to handle, but they laugh cautiously, saying that they are looking forward to making silly mistakes together for the rest of your lives.
[[Return to the tent.->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]]\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link: "You decide to propose immediately, waking them to tell them you don't want to wait, and you planned to get married this week, on this island.")[(replace: ?story)[You decide to propose immediately, waking them to tell them you don't want to wait, and you planned to get married this week, on this island.
](replace: ?next)[](replace: ?desc)[\
(if: $brine is "spicy")[YOLO, no regrets.
You wake them up as you jump into bed. They groggily sit up and then moan, seeing you're ok (beyond your sleep-deprived madness). They remain half-propped up as the lines you had prepared and rehearsed for tomorrow spew out of you. You pause to breathe after saying you can't wait to get married they they hold up a hand, stopping you from barreling ahead. Their brow softens but their jaw is firm. They tell you to go to bed and sleep off the jet-lag and liquor before going any further. Falling back against the pillow, their nightshirt plastered to their perspiring body, they shift uncomfortably as they try to settle back to sleep.
You sit there on your knees and wonder what the hell just happened.
The ocean marches up and down the sand loudly as a reminder that time never stands still, no matter how much you wish it to. You eventually lay down on the large bed beside them, and drift into a restless troubled sleep.
(link: "Time Passes")[(replace: ?desc)[You wake up in the morning, hung over and deflated. You reflect on how poorly you feel when your final performance of the night comes rushing back.
They sit up on the bed, propped by pillows and staring cautiously at you.
(if: $brine is "sweet")[You start by admitting that you made a poorly timed decision last night, that you're sorry that you can't turn back the clocks and that you hope they can forgive your fit of madness.
(link: "You make sure to tell them that while you made a scheduling error, that your desire to marry them was not a mistake.")[(replace: ?story)[You make sure to tell them that while you made a scheduling error, that your desire to marry them was not a mistake.
](set: $ending to 2)(replace: ?desc)[There is an awkward silence for a bit and then a fit of laughter. The bed shakes and you sit there with your mouth slightly open as they give themselves over to a fit of giggles. Wiping tears from their eyes, they tell you that they didn't come on this trip unknowingly and that this was definitely the kind of stories they want to their your children about their engagement one day.
[[You take their hand...->Bedroom - Full Pickle]]]\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link: "You decide that you made a mistake and you should just enjoy this vacation. You can make plans when the time is right.")[(replace: ?story)[You decide that you made a mistake and you should just enjoy this vacation. You can make plans when the time is right.
](replace: ?next)[](set: $ending to 3)(replace: ?desc)[Do something]]</li>
<li class="flex-item">\
(link: "You decide to put off the engagement indefinitely, deciding to do more research and planning when you get back home.")[(replace: ?story)[You decide to put off the engagement indefinitely, deciding to do more research and planning when you get back home.
](replace: ?next)[](set: $ending to 4)(replace: ?desc)[(if: $brine is "acidic")[//What were you thinking??!//]]]</li>
<!--Mango Ending--!>]\
(else-if: $jarBeet's status is "sealed")[]\
(else-if: $jarPickle's status is "sealed")[]\
(else-if: $jarEgg's status is "sealed")[]\
(else-if: $jarOnion's status is "sealed")[]\
(else:)[<!--Kimchi--!>]Kay is a queer, hard-of-hearing*, multidisciplinary artist. An illustrator, preparator, and creative problem solver, their artistic practice explores value as it relates to materials and expectations.
Kay subscribes to the philosophy of the New Sincerity which strives to “be more awesome”. Kay lives on the west coast and is commitmed to truth and reconciliation as an uninvited guest on the Coast Salish territories of the Musqueam and Tsleil-Wahuth nations.
//This story contains profanity, drug and alcohol use, kissing, nudity, sex and intimacy, and violence. Take care of yourself.//
* Oral hoh, deaf one ear.
[[Back to start.->Starting Screen]][The stairs lead up to windowed, white door. Behind the glass, is a checkered, red curtain, illuminated by a sunlit window beyond.]<story|
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">[[Open the Door->Staircase - Pickling Supplies]]</li>
]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.[Describe Backstage. ]<story|
<hr /><div class="action">\
Describe interaction.
(if: $livedBeets > 3)[A faint glow emanates from under the floor hatch.](else:)[Your wrist aches from fighting with the hatch. You get the sense that the hatch is not going to open without some assistance. You decide to leave the hatch for now.]](clue|\
</div><hr />
|next>[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">\
(link-repeat: "Examine the THING")[\
(replace: ?workbench)[Click again link]\
(replace: ?desc)[It's surface littered with garden tools, seeds and parchment paper. There is a small, lower shelf tucked under the larger top slab of mahogany. Below that, stale sacks of fertilizer lay open and abandoned.]\
(click: "lower shelf")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
Hunching down, you see a mismatched series of dust-covered bottles. The labels are yellowed and faded with age.\
(unless: $inventory contains "vinegar")[\
(click: "bottles")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
A single bottle is still sealed, and you grab and uncork it excitedly. The air becomes thick with the astringent smell of (link: "vinegar.")[\
$inventory to it + (a: "vinegar"),
$shack's vinegar to 1
(if: $sack contains "an empty jar")[\
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar")
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
(else:)[<!--Do Nothing-->]
<li class="flex-item">\
(link-repeat: "Look at the hanging tools.")[(replace: ?desc)[Tools for landscaping and gardening. Most are in disrepair and aren't of much use.]]\
<li class="flex-item">\
(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[\
(if: $shack's shelf is 0)[\
<!--This link either shows the pre-shelf // or post-shelf--!>\
(link: "Check out the shelf above the door.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
The wood shelf is barely affixed to the wall; a board sits atop two bent screws and is likely held in place by spider webs. You crane your neck to see what is hidden away on the precarious shelf. There appears to be an empty canvas sack stuffed up there.
(link: "Grab the sack from dubious shelf.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(set: $shack's shelf to 1)\
You prepare to jump a little in order to reach up and grab the sack.
As your feet leave the ground, the floor protests loudly with an unnatural shriek, and you falter. Your hand clumsily knocks the board and the sack off the wall and it all comes clattering down. The sharp edge of the wood shelf catches your forehead and you're pretty sure you've drawn blood.
(link: "Look at floor.")[[[Look at floor.->MangoB - Shack]]
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an empty jar", "a folded piece of parchment"))
(set: $inventory to it + (a: "an old vegetable sack"))
(if: $inventory contains "vinegar")[(unless: $sack contains "vinegar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "sugar")[(unless: $sack contains "sugar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "few packets of brown sugar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "napkin")[(unless: $sack contains "napkin")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a napkin with a sweet doodle"))]]
You eye the hostile plank of wood with distrust. While it may have cost you some blood, you can now see that the sack is, in fact, not empty. You guess it was [\
(link: "worth it.")[\
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
<!--This link post-shelf, sack not picked up.--!>\
(link: "Look at the sack on the floor.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
{(unless: $inventory contains "an old vegetable sack")[
(set: $sack to it + (a: "an empty jar", "a folded piece of parchment"))
(set: $inventory to it + (a: "an old vegetable sack"))
(if: $inventory contains "vinegar")[(unless: $sack contains "vinegar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "an antique bottle of vinegar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "sugar")[(unless: $sack contains "sugar")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "few packets of brown sugar"))]]
(if: $inventory contains "napkin")[(unless: $sack contains "napkin")[(set: $sack to it + (a: "a napkin with a sweet doodle"))]]
You eye the hostile plank of wood with distrust. While it may have cost you some blood, you can now see that the sack is, in fact, not empty. You guess it was [\
(link: "worth it.")[\
(go-to: "MangoB - Shack")
[[Look at floor.->MangoB - Shack]]]\
<!--Sack picked up, examine hatch--!>\
(link-repeat: "Look at floor.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
(if: $livedMango > 3)[\
The hatch awaits. You need only pull the (link-repeat: "handle.")[\
(set: $openMango to 1)(show: ?cellar)(replace: ?desc)[\
You pull and the hatch swings open. A stone staircase leads down.
A defiant wood shelf is on the ground. Near it, a dusty square depression can be seen in the centre of the shack floor. There is a small metal ring that likely acts as a (link-repeat: "handle.")[\
(replace: ?desc)[\
You pull the ring and the hatch remains firmly in place.(set: $hatch to it + 1)\
<li class="flex-item">[[Leave shack.->MangoA - Beach]]</li>
[<footer class="footer">\
<ul class="flex-container">\
<li class="flex-item">(link-repeat:"Descend the steps.")[(set: $shack's hatch to "open")(go-to: "Mangoes - Staircase Down")]</li></ul>](cellar|\
(if: $hatch > 2)[(show: ?clue)]
(if: $openMango is 1)[(replace: ?next)[](show: ?cellar)]
(click: "empty burlap sack")[(replace: ?desc)[You pick up the sack.]]
}Double-click this passage to edit it.